Your shadow self is made up of all the pieces of you that you've rejected or hidden because you were told they made you unlovable.

Healing your shadow self allows you to thrive with clarity and authenticity by integrating and accepting those hidden pieces. Your shadow self holds the keys to what often turns into your greatest strengths. ​This program will take you on a 6 week journey of healing and discovery. By the time you're finished... You'll be free to feel the emotions you've been avoiding. Have the confidence to share your story. Improve relationships. Embrace your desires. Get comfortable having, making, and spending money. And fully love and accept all of you.

Course curriculum

    1. Before we start

    1. Week 1

    2. Bonus Healing -Releasing Emotions

    3. Emotions List

    4. Week 1 Workbook

    1. Week 2

    2. Bonus Healing- Releasing obsessive thoughts and patterns

    3. Shadow Workbook Wk 2

    1. Week 3

    2. Bonus Healing- Heart Chakra

    3. Shadow Workbook Wk 3

    1. Week 4

    2. Bonus Healing- Lack & Scarcity

    3. Shadow Workbook Wk4

    1. Week 5

    2. Bonus Healing -How people see you

    3. Bonus Healing- Self Sabotage

    4. Shadow Workbook Wk 5

About this course

  • $199.00

Discover your potential, starting today